Copyright Statement

            Benjamin Stark

Guest Programmer

Hometown: Huntsville, AL

FilmNerds Forum Alias: DaStarkness

Background: Stark is an independent filmmaker and 2006 graduate of the Telecommunications & Film - Video Production sequence at the University of Alabama's Communications Department. Stark first met the Flanagan brothers while working as an actor in Graham's film "Jumbo", and followed that with a co-starring role with Matt Scalici in "The Machine". Stark works a day job as a video editor, and is a director, screenwriter, and producer with Wonder Mill Films in Huntsville. Check out their latest at

Top Five Films:
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. O Brother, Where Art Thou?
3. Unforgiven
4. Rear Window
5. The Big Lebowski


RoundTable Podcasts
        * FilmNerds Halloween Special
        * FilmNerds 007 Special

Prestige Blockbusters Series
        * The Empire Strikes Back
        * Terminator 2: Judgement Day
        * Jurassic Park
        * The Matrix
        * The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
        * The Dark Knight